
In this section you’ll find every restaurant, hotel, product, and service we’ve reviewed over the years. They are organized by location (provided they are location specific).

Here at CheeseWeb, we take reviews seriously. We will never, ever, recommend a place, product, or service we haven’t tried or didn’t enjoy ourselves. That’s why you won’t see a lot of negative reviews on our site. If something is truly terrible, we’d rather not cover it at all.

That’s not to say our reviews aren’t constructive. We’re quick to point out areas where we think a product or service could do better. After all, nobody’s perfect.

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L'Idiot du Village Restaurant, Brussels, Belgium

L’Idiot du Village Restaurant, Brussels, Belgium

Nestled on the corner of Rue Blaes and Rue Notre-Seigneur, in the Marolles, is a cosy little secret of in-the-know foodies. It’s called L’Idiot du Village, but even the village idiot will tell you, it’s worth finding this  little restaurant.

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We can explore the world, worry-free, with our house-sitters at home

We can explore the world, worry-free, with our house-sitters at home

Andrew and I travel often and, at least once a year, we are away from home for more than a couple of weeks. People often ask me what we do with our cats and if I worry about leaving our flat empty. The truth is I used to worry about our pets and our home, when we were on the road, but two years ago I discovered a great solution for travelling expats – house-sitters.

Ok, before you say it, I know exactly what you are thinking, because in all honesty, I though it too. You let strangers stay in your house while you’re gone… with your cats and all of your stuff? Isn’t that weird and, well, dangerous? Well, sure, it would be if I just grabbed the first person to walk down my street and handed them the keys to our flat. But that’s not exactly how we’ve gone about it. And I promise you, we’ve had no regrets, other than not finding house-sitters sooner.

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Dream Save Do

Dream Save Do

We all have dreams. Some of us want to travel the world. Some of us want to go back to school. Others among us want to start our own businesses or turn one of our passions into a career. But how many of us actually go after our dreams?

We make excuses to put our dreams on hold. We don’t have the time, the willpower, the skills and, most of all, the money.

But a new book launched by our friends at Married with Luggage can give you the push you need. After reading Dream Save Do: An Action Plan for Dreamers you’ll be inspired to go after your dreams and you’ll have the tools to attain them.

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