If there is anything that Andrew and I enjoy doing as much as travelling, it's eating. While I love to cook and experiment with new recipes, I have to admit that when the budget allows (or I'm just sick of the kitchen) I love to dine out. Brussels is a...
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It's funny how, in a year, you can grow accustomed to something, without even noticing. My trip back home to Halifax last week made me realise that living in Brussels is changing some of my perspectives. Most noticeably, my concept of personal space is shrinking. I've always disliked crowds. I...
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Here in Europe, you'd have to live under a rock to not notice that the World Cup is in progress, but those who live on the rocks back home in Eastern Canada aren't even likely to know what the World Cup is all about. Football fever has hit Europe and...
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Like many expats, Andrew and I moved overseas because of Andrew's career. Unlike some, we were given a choice and we decided together to take on the challenge. Since then, we've faced many obstacles together, but there are some that Andrew has had to face alone. I don't talk about...
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I try to stay away from political topics in my blog. I'm an opinionated person but I tend to keep my viewpoints to myself unless they are asked for. Lately however, I can't seem to escape the immigration issue. I have to admit that before I became an expat, I...
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Every year, about this time, something miraculous happens in Belgium — the people go outside. Of course, there are people outside in Belgium at any given moment of the year, but they are often scurrying from place to place, under heavy layers of clothing. They look determined to get from...
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Andrew and I have just spent almost a month with my parents who were visiting from Canada. Not only did everyone survive unscathed (possible exception being my mother's heart after three weeks of driving on European roads with her lead-footed son-in-law) but I gained a valuable perspective on my expat...
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Coffee has been consumed around the world for centuries by everyone from royalty to peasants. Coffee consumption has as many different rituals as there are countries in which it is imbibed. However, I never realized that I had my own coffee rituals until they changed dramatically when I moved to...
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Unless you are among the fortunate few expats whose company offers to pack up all of your belongings and ship them overseas, you have probably had to visit the struggling expat's best friend — otherwise known as IKEA. I have a love/hate relationship with IKEA. I actually like their furniture...
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