
In this section you’ll find every restaurant, hotel, product, and service we’ve reviewed over the years. They are organized by location (provided they are location specific).

Here at CheeseWeb, we take reviews seriously. We will never, ever, recommend a place, product, or service we haven’t tried or didn’t enjoy ourselves. That’s why you won’t see a lot of negative reviews on our site. If something is truly terrible, we’d rather not cover it at all.

That’s not to say our reviews aren’t constructive. We’re quick to point out areas where we think a product or service could do better. After all, nobody’s perfect.

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Belfry of Ghent, Belgium

Our Wimdu flat was right around the corner from Ghent’s famous belfry. How’s that for a central location?

The Wimdu website connects travelers with local home-owners who have rooms to rent. On our recent visit to Ghent, we decided to give their service a try and experience the city like a local.  

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Cool Bun Hamburger Restaurant in Brussels

Gorgonzola Burger in the foreground, onion rings and the Big Ben towering in the background.

Since our arrival in Brussels, Andrew and I have been searching for the perfect hamburger. In the early days, our quest went unfulfilled, but in the past few years the hamburger scene in Brussels has greatly improved. We’ve discovered a few locations with some darn fine burgers, but we still hadn’t found one we could call perfect. Everything changed, with our discovery of Cool Bun.

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Julevi B&B, Eupen, Belgium

One of the light, airy upstairs bedrooms at Julevi

Although most people think of Belgium as a bi-lingual country with French and Flemish spoken, there is actually a third official language – and no, we don’t mean English.

Like most inhabitants of Belgium, Andrew and I knew very little about the Eastern Cantons; the 11 municipalities that are home to the country’s German-speaking community. Last weekend, we decided it was high time we educated ourselves about this under-promoted corner of Belgium.

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